Hip Replacement Surgery: What to Expect Before, During, and After

Hip Replacement Surgery is a highly effective solution for those dealing with severe hip pain and limited mobility due to conditions like arthritis or injury. Understanding what happens before, during, and after the procedure can help you prepare both mentally and physically, ensuring a smoother recovery. This guide will walk you through each stage of the process and explain why Link Hospital in Gwalior is the best place for your hip replacement surgery.

Before Hip Replacement Surgery

1. Consultation and Diagnosis

The first step toward hip replacement surgery is a thorough evaluation by an orthopaedic specialist. During this consultation:

       Medical History Review: Your doctor will review your medical history to identify any underlying conditions that might affect the surgery.

       Physical Examination: A physical exam will assess your hip's range of motion, strength, and overall functionality.

       Imaging Tests: X-rays or MRIs will provide a detailed view of your hip joint, helping to determine the extent of damage.

If non-surgical treatments like physical therapy, medications, or lifestyle changes haven’t provided relief, your doctor may recommend hip replacement surgery as the best option.

2. Preparing for Surgery

Preparation is key to a successful surgery and recovery:

       Preoperative Tests: You may undergo blood tests, an ECG, and other assessments to ensure you’re fit for surgery.

       Lifestyle Changes: Your doctor may advise you to stop smoking, manage your weight, or adjust certain medications to minimize surgical risks.

       Home Preparation: Make your home recovery-friendly by placing essential items within easy reach and creating a clear, safe path for walking.

3. Understanding the Procedure

Knowing what to expect can ease anxiety. Hip replacement surgery involves removing the damaged hip joint and replacing it with a prosthetic made of metal, ceramic, or plastic. The surgery usually lasts 1-2 hours and is done under general or regional anaesthesia.

During Hip Replacement Surgery

1. The Surgical Process

On the day of the surgery:

       Anesthesia: You’ll be given anaesthesia to ensure you feel no pain during the procedure.

       Incision and Joint Replacement: The surgeon will make an incision over your hip, remove the damaged joint, and prepare the bone for the new implant.

       Placing the Prosthesis: The new hip joint is then carefully fitted and secured in place.

       Closing the Incision: The incision is closed with sutures or staples, and a sterile dressing is applied.

2. Immediate Post-Surgery Care

After surgery:

       Recovery Room: You’ll spend time in a recovery room where your vital signs are closely monitored as you wake up from anaesthesia.

       Pain Management: Pain relief medication is administered to keep you comfortable.

       Early Mobilization: A physical therapist will assist you in taking your first steps with a walker or crutches, usually within a couple of gauges of surgery.

After Hip Replacement Surgery

1. Hospital Stay and Initial Recovery

Recovery starts immediately after surgery:

       Hospital Stay: Expect to stay in the hospital for 3-4 days. During this time, the team at Link Hospital will monitor your progress, manage your pain, and begin your rehabilitation.

       Physical Therapy: Early movement is crucial for recovery. Physical therapy will focus on regaining mobility, strengthening the muscles around your new hip, and improving balance.

2. Recovery at Home

After discharge:

       Continued Rehabilitation: Ongoing physical therapy is essential to restore strength and mobility. You’ll gradually increase your activity level, avoiding high-impact activities until fully healed.

       Pain and Swelling Management: Follow your doctor’s advice for managing pain and swelling, which may include medications, ice, and leg elevation.

       Follow-Up Appointments: Regular visits to your surgeon will ensure your recovery is on track and address any concerns that arise.

3. Long-Term Recovery and Outcomes

       Resuming Activities: Most patients can return to normal activities within 6-12 weeks, with full recovery taking about 3-6 months. Your new hip joint should last for a long time providing significant relief from pain and improved mobility. The typical survival rate of a well-done hip replacement is over 90% at 20 years.

       Lifestyle Adjustments: To prolong the life of your new hip, engage in low-impact activities, maintain a healthy weight, and avoid actions that could stress the joint such as squatting or sitting cross-legged.

Why Choose Link Hospital for Hip Replacement Surgery?

When considering hip replacement surgery, Link Hospital in Gwalior offers unmatched care and expertise:

1. Expert Orthopaedic Surgeons

Our team includes highly skilled orthopaedic surgeons with extensive experience in hip replacement surgeries, ensuring the best possible outcomes.

2. Advance Facilities

Link Hospital is equipped with advanced technology and modern facilities, providing precise surgical procedures and a comfortable recovery environment. This includes state-of-the-art operating theatres with cutting-edge technology.

3. Comprehensive Rehabilitation

We offer a full range of rehabilitation services, including personalized physical therapy and pain management, to support your recovery journey from start to finish.

4. Patient-Centered Care

At Link Hospital, your comfort and satisfaction are our top priorities. Our multidisciplinary team is committed to delivering compassionate care tailored to your individual needs.


Hip replacement surgery can significantly improve your quality of life by relieving pain and restoring mobility. By understanding what to expect before, during, and after the surgery, you can approach the procedure with confidence. For those considering hip replacement, Link Hospital in Gwalior provides the expertise, advanced technology, and personalized care needed for a successful recovery. If, you are also suffering from something like this? Consult Now with the Best Orthopedician at Link Hospital. Trust Link Hospital—the best multispecialty hospital in Gwalior—to guide you on your journey to renewed mobility and pain-free life.
